An Ingrown toenail is a painful and very common foot condition where the side of the nail curls down and grows into the skin around the nail.

Ingrown Toenails

Also known as ‘onychocryptosis’, ingrown nails may involve redness, pain, swelling or even infection in the skin surrounding the nail.

Why do Ingrown Toenails occur?

There are many reasons why ingrown toenails occur, the most common of which is improper/incorrect cutting of the toenail. Excessive trimming leaves behind a jagged edge called a ‘spicule’. Other causes for ingrown toe nails include:

  • Trauma from tight footwear

  • Direct injury

  • Genetic nail shape

  • Excessive swelling of the surrounding skin

  • Chronic fungal nail infections which can change the shape of the nail causing the nail plate to curve down on either side or become splintered or jagged.

Painful ingrown toenails, if left untreated, may become infected, leading to overgrowth of chronically inflamed tissue. This overgrowth of tissue is referred to as hypergranulation. Hypergranulated skin is very red, very swollen and highly vascular, so it bleeds very easily.

Visiting nail salons or attempting to cut the ingrown out at home with unsterilized tools can make matters even worse!

Our Podiatrists are highly skilled in the treatment of ingrown nails. Therapy options range from conservative care to more permanent, surgical solutions.

Treatment options

First-line, conservative treatment involves gentle clearing and cleaning of the nail edge every few weeks, along with footwear modification.

For a more permanent solution for chronically infected painful nails, we offer Nail Surgery. This procedure is called a Partial Nail Avulsion (PNA). It is a minor surgical procedure performed by our Podiatrists as a long-term medical solution to chronic, persistent or highly sensitive ingrown toenails.

PNAs have an excellent success rate and result in minimal down time for the patient. In fact, our patients are able to walk away immediately after the procedure!

A PNA is safe for most, but each individual must consult their Podiatrist to make sure the procedure is appropriate for them, and that there are no medical complications.

A Partial Nail Avulsion (PNA) is a treatment for ingrown nails that is performed in-clinic under local anaesthetic by our specialist Podiatrists.