Corn Versus Callus
Elizabeth Foote - BPodMed, MAPodA Elizabeth Foote - BPodMed, MAPodA

Corn Versus Callus

Both corns and callus are similar in that they are areas of thickened skin which usually develop in response to repeated pressure or friction. However, they have key differences in appearance, location, and characteristics and treatment. 

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Flat Feet (the Good, the Bad and the Ugly)
Elizabeth Foote - BPodMed, MAPodA Elizabeth Foote - BPodMed, MAPodA

Flat Feet (the Good, the Bad and the Ugly)

Flat feet, also known as pes planus, is a condition where the arches of the feet are lower than usual or absent. It was believed to be an impairment and even disqualified people from the army. But what is the truth? Is having flat feet good or bad?

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The Importance of Telehealth in Podiatry
Andrew Murphy - BHlthSc/MPodMed, MAPodA Andrew Murphy - BHlthSc/MPodMed, MAPodA

The Importance of Telehealth in Podiatry

Telehealth has become an integral part of modern healthcare, offering a range of benefits across various specialties, including podiatry. This shift is particularly significant in podiatry, where many patients may have mobility issues or chronic conditions that make travel difficult.

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Addressing Foot and Ankle Osteoarthritis
Elizabeth Foote - BPodMed, MAPodA Elizabeth Foote - BPodMed, MAPodA

Addressing Foot and Ankle Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative joint disease, in which the tissues in the joint break down gradually causing pain and restricting movement. OA is the most common type of arthritis and is frequently found in the foot and ankle due to these areas being heavy weight bearing joints. Although there is no cure for OA, there are ways to manage pain and delay advanced progression.

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